Topic Brainstorm

1. Kumbhakarana: The Sleeping Giant

This one looked interesting to me because growing up one of my favorite novels was the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) because I always think Giants are such interesting characters. The giant is named Kumbhakarna who is able to defeat not just humans but even the god Indra. The Raksha brother goal is to convince Kumbhakarna to make a bad wish. Rama then confronts the brothers as Rama knows he can use Kumbhakarna the giant in his favor. This will be an interesting one to re tell because the main core of the story will pretty much stay the same. 

2. Karma: The Good Place

I had just watched The Good Place on Netflix this past summer. The title just like the show is a trick, because you think you're in the Good Place when the Good Place is actually the Bad Place. The introduction does a great job of putting you right into the story at the moment Yudhishtira has just died. Having the picture with the caption "Welcome, Everything is Fine" is the perfect picture to describe the confusion Yudhishtira would be feeling. Overall, I thought the design of this Storybook was great. Having this storybook as a script to read instead of a story makes you feel like you are the main character. I feel doing a script for the story is a great idea and one I believe retelling this I will be using similar tatics. 

3. Yoga

This whole project is about learning where all these poses came from. First we have to learn all the poses then we can learn the origin. The word they use in this article for a pose is asana.The four poses are Hanuman, Shiva, Garuda, and Bhujangasana. Each explanation for these poses comes directly from the Gods and why they do these poses. I might add a pose or two and come with new explanations for yoga. 

4. Not Myself Today

This project would be about reincarnation. There are many different believes about what happens when you die. Some believe you re enter the circle of life as a tree or animal reflecting your personality as a human or some come back that have "unfinished buisness." This project is the story of Ramanya and what happens with her. The story is told from the point of view of a young therapist. This re telling I can go many direction, I'll probably go over all the many different believes because it would be interesting to see just how many there are before focusing on this view specifically. 


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