Reading Notes: Mahabarata Part D

Death of Drona 
As long as Ashwatthaman son of Drona was alive his father would never be conquered. Bhima was determined to defeat Drona and selected an elephant named the same name as Dronas son and then killed it with his own hands shouting Ashwatthaman is dead! Drona heard Ashwatthaman is dead and when hearing did not belive it until Yuhisthira confirmed it. When telling Drona he said yes Ashwatthaman the elephant is dead but Drona didn't hear the elephant part. Then Dhrishtadyumna the Pandava general grabbed his sword and jumped over to Drona and cut off his head. 

The Afterlife 
Yudhisthria went to the eternal bliss and saw all the Kauravas that were also in Heaven. Yudhisthria says that he cannot stay here with all the Kauravas that have done him wrong. Then a celestial being appeared in a forest with a path of knives and fire everywhere hinting at hell. Then it all disappeared as it was an illusion to test him. Indra spoke showing all the five children and where they were including Drona probing that there fall in battle and constancy got them into Heaven. "The Holy life is prepared for all the sons of men" 


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