Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata - Part A

P.1 Shantanu and Gana 

Shantanu is the king of Hastinpaura who falls in love with a woman who he marries. She drowns all of their newborn babies and by the eighth child Shantanu protests. Her wife explains that she is god of the river and by drowning them she returns them to Heaven. The eight child and her dissapear until the child is grown he is named Devavrata.

P. 3 Shantanu and Satyvati 

Shantanu falls in love again with a fishermans daughter who doesn't want them to get married because of his son Bhisma who helps is father our by denouncing himself to get the throne. Shantau and his new wife Satyavati have two sons Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. 

P. 5 Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura. 

Vichitravirya dies without having sons. Bhisma is begged to have sons but wont break his vow of celibacy. So the widos sleep with her son Vyasa. Parashara changed Savayatis fish smell to a perfume smell and then slept with Satyavti and had a child. Their son Dhritarashtra is born blind. 

P. 9 The Pandavas and the Kauravas 

Dhritarashtra marries Gandhari who covers her eyes so she can be blind with her husband. Pandu has two wives but cant have kids because of a curse. The curse was from him killing a deer while having sex so if he has sex he will die. To get sons Pandu asks Kunti to summon the god Yama and have a child by him. 

P. 11 Drona trains the boys 

Pandus brother Dhritarashtra is now king. Duryodhana had Bhima drugged and thrown in the river but Bhima survives. Drona and his son trrains the Pandavas and the Kauravas. As a test Drona has to shoot an artificial bird. Only Arjuna has enough focus to kill and is rewarded with a secret weapon. Karna then comes to challenge Arhuna but before they fight the day ends. 

P. 21 The Escape from the fire 

The Duryodhana build a house of joy for the Pandavas that is made of oil resin and straw so it catches on fire easily. Vodura warns the Pandavas and as the house is set on fire they all escape through a tunnel and everyone thinks they are dead. 

P. 27 Life in Hiding 

Bhima and Hidimbi have a son named Ghatotkacha. Junti and Pandavas travel into the forest and disguise themselves as brahimin to conceal their identities. 

P. 31 Draupadi's swayamvara 

Krishna recognizes the the Brahmins are actually the Pandavas in disguise. During the contest Arunja hits the target and wins so Draupadi is his bride. 

Shantanu and Satyvati


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