7 Secrets of the Goddess Gaia's Secret Reading Notes

Gaia is the Earth mother. The only way her son Chronus could leave Gaia's woumb was by castrating his father. Chronus then declared himself King. Chronus killed all of his kids so no one could take the power from his as he did to his father. Gaia saves one kid of Chronus and raises him in secret. After he's grown up he kills Chronus and takes over. There is an idea of primal female deity, first adored then brutally side lined by a male deity is a consistent theme in mythologies around the world. 
An example from an indian tribe was when Sednas father casts her overboard. When she tries to climb back he cuts off her fingers. As she's struggling to get back in he cuts her arms too. Shiva asked Vishnu agreed to be her lover provided she game him her third eye, He then used his third eye to burn her and turn her to Ash. This ash became three new Gods. 
In all of these stories from around the world males have to compete for the female prize. In bird species they choose the male with the best feathers, voice, or can build the best nest. The alpha males have always been superior and makes the non alpha males go crazy. Since then there have been many social changes. Not all males are needed for reproduction. Women were more important for tribes. 


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